Clearing the Confusion:1099-MISC or 1099-NEC?

New Form Required for Tax Year 2020 FORM 1099-NEC
Do You File Form 1099-MISC (with Box 7 completed)?
If you typically file any 1099-MISC forms (with Box 7 completed), you will need to file Form 1099-NEC for tax year 2020. Data currently reported in Box 7 (Nonemployee compensation) of Form 1099-MISC for tax year 2019, will be required to be reported in Box 1 of Form 1099-NEC for tax year 2020. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and various states are requiring this form to be filed by the effective deadline, February 1, 2021.
We encourage you to prepare early because there will be extra work involved and additional forms may be needed.
See below for more information and Form 1099-NEC requirements.
Understanding the Impact of Form 1099-NEC

The IRS estimates that 70% of all 1099-MISC filings will require Form 1099-NEC.

Over 99 MILLION 1099-MISC forms were filed annually according to the latest statistics.

This translates to an estimated 70 MILLION 1099-NEC filings for tax year 2020.
Form 1099-NEC Requirements

Form 1099-MISC Is Required For Tax Year 2020
Filing 1099-MISC to the IRS and to various states is still mandatory for reporting other types of income.

Required Reprogramming
Contact your software provider to ensure compatibility and updates to support the new 1099-NEC.

Sate Requirements
State reporting requirements vary by state. Approximately 20 states have indicated support for 1099-NEC. It is expected more states will require it.

Federal Requirements
Federal reporting is required. The IRS has set an effective filing due date of February 1, 2021 for Form 1099-NEC.
Clearing the Confusion:1099-MISC or 1099-NEC?
WHO: The IRS has released the 2020 Form 1099-NEC (Non-Employee Compensation), in a move that will impact business owners and tax professionals across the nation.
WHY: Back in 2015, the PATH (Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes) Act changed the due date for 1099-MISC forms with data in box 7 from March 31 to January 31. However, the filing date for non-box 7 forms remained March 31. As a result of the two different deadlines for the same form, late 1099-MISC forms for non-employee compensation sometimes led to the counting of non-box 7 forms as late.
Recipient Due Date: February 1, 2021
IRS Due Date (Paper Filing): February 1, 2021
IRS Due Date (Electronic Filing): February 1, 2021
1099-MISC FORM (No Data in Box 8 or 10)
Recipient Due Date: February 1, 2021
IRS Due Date (Paper Filing): March 1, 2021
IRS Due Date (Electronic Filing): March 31, 2021
1099-MISC FORM (With Data in Box 8 or 10)
Recipient Due Date: February 16, 2021
IRS Due Date (Paper Filing): March 1, 2021
IRS Due Date (Electronic Filing): March 31, 2021

CONCLUSION: The new form replaces Form 1099- MISC for reporting nonemployee compensation (in Box 7), shifting the role of the 1099-MISC for reporting all other types of compensation. You should now use the 1099-MISC for non-box 7 reporting. The type of payments typically required to be reported on this form include royalties, rent, prizes, and awards. You must also file Form 1099-MISC for anyone from whom you withheld federal income tax under the backup withholding rules, regardless of the amount. In some cases, you will need to file both a 1099-NEC and a 1099-MISC for the same individual.
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