Safeguard Now Delivers PPE Solutions!

How many times recently have you heard someone talk about the new normal? Business owners are used to adapting, pivoting, and making changes, but the current crisis facing business owners is unlike anything most companies have faced before. Schools, auto dealerships, retail stores, and businesses of all kinds are facing the same concern and confusion as they operate in this new environment. Many are struggling to adhere to safety protocols such as social distancing and personal protection equipment (PPE) and to keep their doors open or even reopen. The financial and customer pressures pre-COVID have been magnified. Businesses need to find cost-effective solutions to manage and creative ideas to help them reopen, stay open, and grow.
Getting Back to Business
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only impacted business leaders in industries across the spectrum, but schools, bus drivers, and many others have been impacted as well. While the industries may differ, they all share the same worry and concern for sustaining their business, keeping employees or staff safe, and staying connected to those who frequent their place of business, whether those people are customers or students.
The key to getting back to business is prioritizing the health and safety of both your employees and patrons. Demonstrating your commitment to safety through PPE is essential for getting back to business. According to a recent Qualtrics survey, 66% of people are not yet comfortable returning to the workplace. What’s more, 68% of people are uncomfortable eating at restaurants and 51% are uncomfortable shopping at retail stores. The numbers don’t lie: People want to know they’re safe before they’ll return to normal activities of the past.
Safeguard is here to help. We can help you keep customers and employees safe through distancing signs, sanitizer, masks, gloves, wipes, sneeze guards and more. Businesses, institutions and organizations have leaned on their Safeguard advisor since 1956 for innovative products, services and advice. Your Safeguard advisor is here for you and ready to help you move forward with PPE.
Implement Safety Measures
The path to moving forward will look different for businesses and organizations across the country, but the one thing they have in common is access to a Safeguard advisor who can help navigate their uncertainty.
The first step to moving forward is ensuring you have enough safety equipment to make sure employees, staff, students, and customers feel safe and comfortable. Safeguard has PPE in stock in the US and ready to deliver.
The Safeguard Advantage has always meant that you could count on your Safeguard advisor for products, services, and advice, and we stand behind that commitment. These relationships are built for the long haul, for the ups and downs that businesses and organizations face. During this challenging time your personal advisor will work diligently to help you meet your needs.
Keep Your Business Healthy
Keeping your business healthy means keeping the doors open, and that happens when you have the right supplies. Without the proper supplies in place businesses can’t open, customers can’t shop, and kids can’t go back to school. But with the right supplies, businesses can reopen while keeping employees, staff, customers, students, and patrons safe.
Safeguard has always used our buying power to work for your bottom line, and now we’re using those same economies of scale to deliver the business PPE you need. Support the health, safety, and well-being of your employees by preparing your workplace, creating an employee wellness plan, implementing safety measures, and communicating your plans clearly through signage and compliance posters.
In order to move forward your employees and customers need to feel safe to return. You can keep employees and patrons safe by installing distancing signs and sneeze guards and by providing sanitizer, masks, gloves, and wipes. Implementing these health and safety measures demonstrates your commitment to safety for everyone that comes inside your business. It’s vital that employees and customers feel confident with the safety measures your business has put into place.
You already know that helping employees return to work, helping customers return to your business, both safely and confidently, is not a simple task. Business owners, auto dealers, schools, and so many others are feeling the weight of getting back to business. You are not in this alone. Your Safeguard advisor is here with the support and resources you need to not only adapt to this current change, but to move your business forward.
Protect yourself, protect your employees, and stay connected to your customers. Get back to what you do best, running your business. Rely on your Safeguard advisor who has the experience, safety products, and services you need to succeed. Contact Us to get started.
Key Takeaways
Safeguard now delivers safety solutions in bulk, in stock in the US and ready to deliver.
Supporting employees and staff and keeping customers, students, and patrons are key concerns for reopening and staying open.
Without the right supplies businesses and establishments can’t open.
Rely on your Safeguard advisor who has new safety products and services to get you back to business.